Yes, you read that right Toy Photography Project Using Plastic Dinosaurs. The theme at a Hedon Viewfinders photography club meeting was Toy Photography. But what to do?

Well, for a few pounds at a toy shop in town, I picked up a bag of plastic dinosaurs. I actually bought the toys a few years ago for a toy photography challenge, but this time I wanted to experiment with my photography more! After the experience of the meeting and making the photos, I thought it would be a good idea to share this with others.

Toy Photography Project Using Plastic Dinosaurs.

Toy photography is a fascinating art form that allows creators to bring their imagination and imaginative worlds to life through the lens of a camera. One exciting project idea is to focus on plastic dinosaurs as the main subjects, creating scenes and compositions. With plastic dinosaurs at the centre of your toy photography, you can transport the audience to prehistoric landscapes, or invent creature incursions into the present sparking a sense of wonder and adventure.

To begin this project, the photographer should gather an assortment of plastic dinosaur figures, considering different species, sizes, and colours to add variety to the scenes. These figures can be easily sourced from toy shops, online retailers – or even your existing collection! Next, set up a dedicated space for the photography project, which could include turning a tabletop into a studio with adjustable lighting, or torches, for creating the atmospheric effects.

Toy Photography Project Using Plastic Dinosaurs Plastic dinosaurs starter pack
Plastic dinosaur starter pack – the T-Rex measures 17cm (just under 5 inches) from snout to tail tip.

The creative possibilities are endless. You can experiment with various backdrop scenarios such as lush greenery, rocky terrains, or even miniature prehistoric structures to set the stage for your dinosaurs. Additionally, by incorporating other miniature props such as vehicles, and human figures, you can add scale and context to the compositions, enhancing the storytelling aspects.

Attention to detail is important in toy photography. Emphasizing the textures of the plastic dinosaur figures, paying attention to the lighting and shadows, and carefully composing each shot can elevate the project to new heights. Whether aiming for realistic depictions or embracing a more humourous and imaginative approach, your vision and style can shine through in the final images.

With the images captured, you can enhance your final photos through post-editing. Adjusting the colours, adding special effects, and refining the concept can help bring your surreal world to life. Finally, you need to print your best photographs. It’s not a photo until it is printed!

Toy photography project using plastic dinosaurs offers a captivating and immersive creative pastime. Through careful composition, attention to detail, and a passion for storytelling, the photographer can craft enchanting scenes and make fascinating photographs. In conclusion – and very important – it is also lots of fun!

Some of my photos:

All these toy photography project photos were taken using my Sony A6000 APS-C camera with its Lensbaby Sweet 22mm lens and lit by various small torches or using natural light.

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