Elections 2015 graphicEvery candidate standing for the East Riding of Yorkshire Council is offered space (up to 500 words) to outline their manifesto, pledges, opinions and stance. Candidates should send statements and a photo to hedonblog@gmx.com (changes and updates to the published statements can be made via the same e-mail – Ray Duffill, Editor).

Polling day is Thursday 7th May 2015 from 7am – 10pm.

Sarah Rommell is an Independent Candidate for South West Holderness in the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Election 2015.

My name is Sarah Rommell. I have lived in Hedon all my life. I was brought up in a family of severely disabled people and as a result understand many of the complex challenges disabled and elderly people face.

I am currently an Independent Town Councillor. This allows me to work purely for the benefit of people in my home town of Hedon without being committed to upholding any policies or ideologies driven by the mainstream political parties. I have 100 percent attendance at Hedon Town Council.

Save our NHS campaigners Theresa Vaughan Sarah Rommell and Lyn LongbottomI am the Deputy Chair of the Emergency Planning Committee and also take part in the Events Group within the Town Council where I organised the popular Scarecrow Walk.

I strongly believe in democracy for all. It’s never acceptable for anyone to be disenfranchised simply because of their state of health. I have been working towards the installation of a stair lift at the Town Hall in Hedon to make it possible for those who find stairs difficult and disabled people to attend council meetings. This will make it possible not only for them to get involved and have their say but also to become councillors themselves should they wish. To preserve the building I am working with a company designing a bespoke stair lift which will not damage the Town Hall. This is to be funded by grants.

I arranged a public meeting to inform people of the dangers involved in fracking and organised a public petition to stop funding cuts to our local GP surgeries. I was joined by GP’s all over the Country.

I started a working group to explore ways to get a new bridge built for the residents of leaf sail farm.

I’m working on a project to place plaques on historical buildings in Hedon and historic story boards in places of interest with a written history and old photographs if available.

If elected I will fight against cuts to the NHS, our local police force and fire services. Our NHS and healthcare services are important to everyone. There are few other services on which people’s lives literally depend, however this vital support structure is constantly being eroded by cutbacks. The response times of Yorkshire Ambulance Service in our area are unacceptable and have to be improved. The use of ambulances crewed by Emergency Care Assistants to respond to some 999 calls deeply concerns me and I will continue to exert pressure for only fully trained paramedics to crew our emergency ambulances.

I will always vote against fracking and the digging of test wells.

Our services need to be protected; Social Services, schools, customer service centres, nurseries, museums and libraries must not be cut. Extra resources are needed for our community; we need safer roads and paths. There are areas in the East Riding where its obvious crossings are needed for additional public safety. I’m currently pushing for a crossing near Farrand Road in Hedon. More car parking is needed, as is more social housing, but only when the local infrastructure and services can cope with the extra pressure.

Thank you


* Note: The Hedon Blog pledges to give equal opportunity to candidates to express their views on this website (and our parent website at HU12 Online).

Hyperlocal websites are a ‘leveller’ in an election period offering access on a regular basis to candidates should they choose to use this service; this service is available to each whether they are fully-resourced party-backed candidate or indeed a self-funded candidate.

Follow our election coverage at: Campaigning for YOUR votes.

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